Travel: New York

I’ve been to New York quiet a few times now and every time I visit there is something new to see and experience whether it be a new restaurant, new tourist attraction or a new rooftop lounge. So many options, it never seems like there’s enough time to see everything. In my last trip to New York I took a bike ride through Brooklyn and over the Brooklyn bridge into Manhattan. On a bright sunny day, there’s no better way to see the city then to bike through it all. Ended up in Central Park where you can enjoy live performances and or even join a giant dance party in the middle of the park. New York definitely has something for everyone and so much to offer. There are still so many things I would like to go back and do and of course many restaurants and foods I still need to try. Below are some of the sights I got to see. More of the foods and restaurants from New York to come. Let me know what your go to places are in New York for my next trip!

View of Manhattan From the Ferry

Biking Over the Brooklyn Bridge

Inside “Oculus” Train Station

The Flatiron Building


Restaurant Recap: Va de Vi